AI and OKRs, Part 3: real-world case studies


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Brett Knowles

In the final session of our three-part series on AI and OKRs, thought leader and strategy advisor Brett Knowles walks us through the practical application of GPT-driven strategy development. Using real-world examples, you'll learn how a broad mix of organizations are using AI to create, vet, and refine strategy. In the first two sessions, Brett covers the foundations of Generative AI, along with the mechanics of GPT in the strategy creation process. In this session, learn how theory becomes practice, and leverage AI to its fullest potential.

About the speakers

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Brett Knowles

Brett Knowles is a Harvard instructor, thought leader and OKR practitioner who has worked with more than 3,000 companies to successfully implement OKRs as a method for performance improvement. Brett is also an avid Youtuber, with over 600 instructive videos on strategy, leadership and OKR topics. Find him at @OKRWhisperer.